Customer Testimonials

MobeyOur customers provide the best advertising for us. Their satisfaction and testimonials to our products and workmanship make us proud.


“I never ever thought I would have a new house in my life. Eric builds high quality homes at an affordable price. I’ve lived in my house for 4 years almost and still smells brand new. I love my house. He is easy to work with and the quality is beyond my expectations.” – Cristina I. on May 25, 2018


“We hired them to removed kitchen floor in a 100-year-old house with no basement, jacked up the house to its original elevation, replaced all old under structure with new treated lumber & block, replaced kitchen floor, and put new flashing around existing chimney & resealed. All works were done in a very timely manner & the quality of the work was excellent.” – Art H. on July 10, 2016